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Pablo Escobar Animals

Pablo Escobar's Cocaine Hippos Spark Conservation Row

Unwanted Legacy

A group of hippos, originally imported by Escobar to his private zoo decades ago, has multiplied and according to a recent article in The Guardian, now numbers around 80.

Conservation Concerns

The hippos have become a conservation concern, as they are not native to Colombia and their presence is disrupting the local ecosystem. They have been blamed for displacing native species, damaging crops, and even attacking humans.

The Colombian government has been trying to control the hippo population, but it has been a difficult task. The hippos are large and aggressive animals, and they are difficult to capture and relocate.

Tourism Draw

Despite the conservation concerns, the hippos have also become a tourist attraction. Tourists come from all over the world to see the hippos, who have become a symbol of Escobar's legacy.


The hippos of Pablo Escobar are a reminder of the complex legacy of the drug lord. They are a testament to his power and wealth, but they are also a symbol of the environmental damage that can be caused by the illegal drug trade.
